
struct StructName {
    public int a;

defines a struct type, i.e. a compound value type. A Vala struct may have methods in a limited way and also may have private members, meaning the explicit public access modifier is required.

struct Color {
    public double red;
    public double green;
    public double blue;

This is how you can initialise a struct:

// without type inference Color c1 = Color();
Color c2 = { 0.5, 0.5, 1.0 };
Color c3 = Color() {
    red = 0.5,
    green = 0.5,
    blue = 1.0

// with type inference var c4 = Color();
var c5 = Color() {
    red = 0.5,
    green = 0.5,
    blue = 1.0

Structs are stack/inline allocated and copied on assignment.

To define an array of structs:

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